Friday, July 24, 2009

Treating Cholesterol naturally

These are some ideas to try to decrease your cholesterol. The sooner they become habits, the greater the protection you will have.

Dietary Key points
Our bodies need fat! RDI = 30% of total diet.
Butter is better than margarine (cis fatty acids vs trans fatty acids)
Good sources of fat are: Flaxseed, linseed and olive oil
Fish oils are one of the best interventions a person can employ.
Supplementation with Omega 3 oils or eating fish 3-4 times/week has been shown to assist with cholesterol portfolios and decrease platelet aggregate times. Fish must be from the cold deep sea where they produce fatty layer around their body (this is rick in omega 3s which our Western diet is usually lacking).
Nuts (in particular almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts)
Avocados Organic or free range eggs
Bad fats are:Butter, Take away foods (eg Kentucky Fried Chicken), Saturated fats (usually from animals eg pork crackle, chops, sausages),
Palm and coconut oils are high in saturated fats and should be minimised (ie crisps, chips)

Vegies are good (although there is a distinction b/t high glycaemic index vegies such as potato that should be eaten in low quantities vs low glycaemic index vegies which are fine)
Fruit OK (1 –2 pieces/day)
Pastas, grains, cereals in moderation. I usually say to a maximum of ½ cup per meal, unless they are following this up with exercise. Australian are currently eating too many carbohydrates, hence the increase in BMIs, diabetes and CVD and cholesterol!

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that the body doesn't breakdown. In the diet has been proven to actively assist with the excretion of LDL. RDIs are 30g/day, most people have approx. 10 – 15g/day.
Good sources of fibre are: porridge, other cereals, bran, grains, fresh fruit and vege, psyllium Lecithin 1tbs/day will dramatically improve LDL and triglycerides ·

Proteins don’t adversely affect cholesterol management. Infact studies are now proving that a diet containing 25-30% protein is cardio protective and can assist with Type 1 and Type II diabetes.

Other Cholesterol lowering foods include:
Garlic – 1 clove /day will assist in lowering cholesterol
Plant sterols (new margarines) claim to lower cholesterol significantly. Some skeptism as it is a trans fatty acid and whether this out weighs the risk or not is debatable.
Sugar Cane Wax has been proven to lower cholesterol
Isoflavanones (soy products, linseed, red clover, some vegies) will lower bad cholesterol and raise HDL

If you take a cholesterol lower medication you should be adviced by your doctor to do the following:
1. avoid grapefruit
2. take CoQ10 enzyme as the drugs negate the body's production of this vital enzyme. You can order CoQ10 from (shopping section - health supplements).

If you would like a consult with Sam Beau Patrick, cholesterol management is one of her favorite things . She is a cardiac nurse, nutritionist and has sold medications (as a pharmaceutical reps) for 9 years. Contact her via to arrange an on-line consult.

What is Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is used in the body for the following:
Making cell membranes
Conduction channels through the heart
Precursor for sex hormones
For skin and new regrowth
Is used in inflammation

The types of Cholesterol
Cholesterol or lipids (fats) are transported around the body on protein molecules called Lipoproteins. An increased in blood cholesterol (particularly LDL and triglyerides) has been associated with a greater risk of heart disease. In Australia, Lipid lowering drugs are currently the highest expenditure of all drugs. Modifying cholesterol does at times need medicating, however lifestyle (managing stress and exercising) and diet can play a dramatic role keeping it low.
HDL – high density lipoproteins are cardioprotective (protect your heart) and focus can be on raising these
LDL – low density lipoproteins are have a higher fat:protein ratio and are considered bad cholesterol
Triglyceride – fat ingested from diet, is considered to be bad cholesterol and is often elevated in diabetics.
(There are other forms of cholesterol, however the 3 mentioned above are the most commonly measured in blood tests.)

National Heart Foundation (2001) recommends:

< 4.0 mmols/L high risk

> 1.0 mmols/L all
> 1.0 mmols/L all

< 2.0 mmols/L all

Total Cholesterol
< 6.0 mmols/L low risk
< 4.0 mmols/L high risk

Lowering Cholesterol
Exercise: Exercising should be part of your daily routine -Walking or low impact exercise min. 3-5 times/week will increase HDL significantly
Weight loss
Stress Management
Anxiety control

Can travel cause your Cholesterol to go up? can definitely lead to an increase in cholesterol levels, as can shift work.
This is beacause your body makes cholesterol in your sleep (generally) and production is augmented by cortisol. Cortisol and melatonin regulate your circadian rhythym (ie your body clock). If you throw your body into disarray, you can throw your cholesterol into disarray.

Read more info about managing cholesterol in the next blog.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

HOW MUCH IS 1 day of missed work worth to you?

This is a swine flu up-date compiled by Health Queen, Sam Beau Patrick. Circulate to staff and friends to help them prevent themselves from this virus.

From Monday 22 June, Queensland, along with the Commonwealth and all other Australian states and territories, will enter a new phase to manage the outbreak of Human Swine Influenza. The new phase is called PROTECT. The PROTECT phase recognises that Human Swine Influenza is not as severe for the general population as originally envisaged. Most people are making a rapid and full recovery. The new phase focuses on protecting those people who are most at risk of developing severe illness from Human Swine Influenza.Health care workers who develop an influenza like illness will be required to stay away from work for 7 days or until their symptoms have resolved, which ever is longer.” (Ref: //

While the government is focusing on its PROTECT phase, I strongly urge you to have your own PROTECT plan in place! I have heard reports that 95% of all flu cases in Victoria are currently the H1N1 strain. Flu (of all varieties) is responsible for 2500 deaths each year and countless days off work for employees in Australia alone.

To PROTECT yourself and your staff you need to be doing the following:
Prevent the spread of the virus and ask employees to stay at home if they are experiencing flu like symptoms.
Reduce your exposure by staying at least 1 meter from people with coughs and colds, don’t visit people if you know they are unwell.
Offer tissues, hand wipes and immune boosters, at work stations, near key boards, till-check outs and other places where multiple people share the same equipment.
Throw out tissues (definitely don’t use handkerchiefs), throw out one use-items, eg cups, don’t share cigarettes or lipsticks
Encourage people to take preventative measures such as immune boosting supplements (you may choose to offer them to staff at a discount rate or send this email on so they can order supplements for themselves)
Communicate with your staff about the strategies you are taking in the workforce and what you expect of them (ie in regards to staying at home if they feel unwell)
Take supplements every day to boost your immune system, eat lots of vegetables and drink lots of water.

Immune Boosting Pack
$68.90 inc. delivery in Australia. Enough for 6-8 weeks
Zinc & Vitamin C
A Blue Chip Supplement with Immune boosting herbs, proven to boost your immune system.

You can order an immune booster pack from Sam 2 ways:

Email: and she will forward the order form for you

Phone Sam on 0405 669 135 and she will arrange the pack for you.

Packs can be sent overseas (ie out of Australia but will incur great postage fee).

If one day of missed work is worth more than $70, then you had better call or email me.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Should travellers be advised of security risks when making a hotel booking

Interestingly I raise this issue only seconds after hearing the news of a second bomb attack in Jakartar in 4 days!
However, 15 minutes ago, i was mulling through my brain whether we should be warned by the hotel (or booking agenct) of any high-level-security-risk meetings at the time of booking.
The recent Marriot bombings are now being attributed to the JI planning it around a strategic breakfast meeting.
Now I'm not paranoid, however, knowing what i know of Indonesia and if someone said the Australian Government had received threats of late (which apparently they had) and in the light of this "important meeting" - i'd probably stay somewhere else.

Monday, July 20, 2009

School Holiday Travel

Beware if you are travelling during school holidays. I recently was stung in Sydney airport as the auto-machines crashed and one has to line up to check in. This process took 40 minutes and I nearly missed my flight. Security was back logged just to add to the frustrations.
A hint if school holidays are on - usually the airfares book up (ie the cheaper flights go quick), there are few cars on the road during peak hour and if you have kids (they will let you know)!