Dietary Key points
Our bodies need fat! RDI = 30% of total diet.
Butter is better than margarine (cis fatty acids vs trans fatty acids)
Good sources of fat are: Flaxseed, linseed and olive oil
Fish oils are one of the best interventions a person can employ.
Supplementation with Omega 3 oils or eating fish 3-4 times/week has been shown to assist with cholesterol portfolios and decrease platelet aggregate times. Fish must be from the cold deep sea where they produce fatty layer around their body (this is rick in omega 3s which our Western diet is usually lacking).
Nuts (in particular almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts)
Avocados Organic or free range eggs
Bad fats are:Butter, Take away foods (eg Kentucky Fried Chicken), Saturated fats (usually from animals eg pork crackle, chops, sausages),
Palm and coconut oils are high in saturated fats and should be minimised (ie crisps, chips)
Vegies are good (although there is a distinction b/t high glycaemic index vegies such as potato that should be eaten in low quantities vs low glycaemic index vegies which are fine)
Fruit OK (1 –2 pieces/day)
Pastas, grains, cereals in moderation. I usually say to a maximum of ½ cup per meal, unless they are following this up with exercise. Australian are currently eating too many carbohydrates, hence the increase in BMIs, diabetes and CVD and cholesterol!
Fibre is a type of carbohydrate that the body doesn't breakdown. In the diet has been proven to actively assist with the excretion of LDL. RDIs are 30g/day, most people have approx. 10 – 15g/day.
Good sources of fibre are: porridge, other cereals, bran, grains, fresh fruit and vege, psyllium Lecithin 1tbs/day will dramatically improve LDL and triglycerides ·
Proteins don’t adversely affect cholesterol management. Infact studies are now proving that a diet containing 25-30% protein is cardio protective and can assist with Type 1 and Type II diabetes.
Other Cholesterol lowering foods include:
Garlic – 1 clove /day will assist in lowering cholesterol
Plant sterols (new margarines) claim to lower cholesterol significantly. Some skeptism as it is a trans fatty acid and whether this out weighs the risk or not is debatable.
Sugar Cane Wax has been proven to lower cholesterol
Isoflavanones (soy products, linseed, red clover, some vegies) will lower bad cholesterol and raise HDL
If you take a cholesterol lower medication you should be adviced by your doctor to do the following:
1. avoid grapefruit
2. take CoQ10 enzyme as the drugs negate the body's production of this vital enzyme. You can order CoQ10 from (shopping section - health supplements).
If you would like a consult with Sam Beau Patrick, cholesterol management is one of her favorite things . She is a cardiac nurse, nutritionist and has sold medications (as a pharmaceutical reps) for 9 years. Contact her via to arrange an on-line consult.